I've decided to make Fridays a simple little feature for all the awesomeness that people I know are doing all over the web!! So for our first Fun Friend Friday, I want to feature the Spectacular Twilight Tammy and her Inspired by Books Shops!!!

Tammy's had an etsy store for a while but recently changed the name and opened an artfire store. Her etsy store, InspiredByBooks, can be found HERE and her artfire store can be found HERE. Pretty much ALL of her items are based on a book or book series. I have at least four pairs of earrings from her and they ROCK! The kids pull on them and they don't break! Her prices are pretty awesome too! She does a lot of custom book inspired stuff so if you have an idea, ask and maybe she can fix you up! Make sure you check out her stores! Tammy is also running a blizzard sale on her Etsy Store: all items 11% off and free shipping on orders over $20. Over at her Artfire store, she is running a speacial too: 10% off on Marked Sale Items.
What is my favorite thing that she makes?? Tough question. I think it might be...
The Sparkly Snowman Earrings and her Make Your Own Charm Bracelets!

I love the charm bracelet! I know I've been wanting to order one of those made up of BDB charms for awhile now.
What a cute feature. Great idea! :)
thanks, Andrea!!
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