Hi everyone and welcome to the last day of the Half-Blood blog tour!! Today I have a guest post from Jennifer on how to know that a Daimon is after you. Enjoy!
5 Ways you know a daimon is after you
1.There is an extraordinarily good-looking man or woman dressed exceptionally well. So much so that you think you’ve stumbled upon a model runway show. Heck, most models probably are daimons. Just stay away from them
2.There is a bunch of people dressed all in black shadowing the extraordinarily good-looking male or female. And those people look kind of scary. Scary as in you’re pretty sure their packing some sort of weapon.
3.The really hot guy or girl sniffs you to see you if you have any aether in you. Actually, if anyone, mortal or not, sniffs you, run away. Fast.
4.You’re pretty sure you saw the person light a cigarette without any lighter. Or they moved something without touching. You’re eyes aren’t betraying you. They’re daimons.
5.They are chasing you. Daimons like to mess with mortals out boredom. If a really hot dude is chasing you, it’s probably because he likes the sound of your scream. Don’t bother running at this point. They will catch you anyway.

Thanks for the fun and informative post, Jennifer!! I have to say my three favorite things about Half-Blood are:
- SETH- I know most people are all about the other guy but I just don't like him. I can't really put my finger on why but Seth just grabbed me for some reason while that Other Guy (I think his name is Aidan or something.... ) he just annoys me. You will find Seth on my Book Boyfriends page. I look forward to MORE SETH in Pure!
- The COVER- I LOVE this cover. Really. A lot. I love purple and the cover is just beautiful, it almost makes me cry to put it on my bookshelf where people can't fully appreciate it.
- Alex's Friends- They are all really interesting characters whose relationships with Alex change over the course of the book. I love a good supporting character because it's like the Beatles always said: We get by with a little help from our friends. No matter how kick butt we are-we all need friends.
You can find my review of Half-Blood HERE. You can find out more about Jennifer Armentrout and her work on her blog, Facebook, and on Twitter. You can also click here to find the Covenant Series on Goodreads. Or you can click here to find ALL of Jennifer's work on Goodreads! You can also click on either the tour graphic at the top of this post or on the link to Books Complete Me on the schedule below to find the Official Tour Page! Thanks much to Jennifer for doing the tour and to Cindy at Books Complete Me for organizing!
Monday, the 17th:
Books With Bite – Review
Leigh Fallon – 10 Things to Love About Half-Blood
Tuesday, the 18th:
Books Complete Me – Guest Post
Katie’s Book Blog – Review
Wednesday, the 19th:
Reading Lark – Review
Stuck in Books – Guest Post
Thursday, the 20th:
Once Upon a Twilight – Guest Post
Page Turners Blog – Review
Friday, the 21st:
Amethyst Daydreams – Guest Post
Books Over Boys – Review
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