Saturday, March 14, 2015

Steampunk Saturdays: Charmed Vengeance (The Aether Chronicles #2) by Suzanne Lazear

This week for Steampunk Saturday, I have a review of the second book in The Aether Chronicles series. Prepare to join a crew of Air Pirates!

In the Faerie realm, Noli Braddock's relationship with her best friend V has grown into something more. But V's mother, Faerie Queen Tiana, has ruled that they are forbidden to see each other. Returning to the mortal realm, Noli joins the crew of her brother's air-pirate ship, the Vixen's Revenge. There she discovers that her brother has hired the scallywag Faerie huntsman, Kevighn Silver. While serving as shipmates, Kevighn and Noli learn that the Earth Court King plans to find a forbidden artifact--one that will bring destruction to everyone Noli loves.

Noli makes a pretty good Air Pirate but Vix and her cohorts are EVERYTHING! I loved how special and different each of the pirates were, not only on the Vixen's Revenge but on the other ships that we saw. It was neat to get to see how Noli responded to meeting Vix, who is so like her but also so different. It was nice to see Noli with her brother. We also got to see V and James romp across the country to try and finish their mother's quest. This story really brings to life the world of the Airship Pirates. You can almost imagine the sights and smells on board the ship. We also get to see more from Noli's family. I love this series and am almost fearing the end!

You can click here to find The Aether Chronicles Series on Goodreads. Author Suzanne Lazear can be found on her blog, Tumblr and Twitter. You can learn more about the Aether Chronicles on the series website and Facebook pages. I give Charmed Vengeance 4 Fairies for a wild ride on board an Air Pirate ship and a trip into faery for a nap... in a tree.

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