Friday, April 29, 2011

Covet (Fallen Angels 1) by J. R. Ward

Covet is the first book in J. R. Ward's Fallen Angels series.  I've had this one on my To Read list for months and my library finally got copies of these in!!  Granted, they lost their only BDB book to theft or something but I appreciate them trying to get some good books in.  There is just not the appropriate level of J. R. Ward love in the world.

The Fallen Angel books follow Jim Heron who is an all around decent guy.  He's not a goody two shoes but he has some scruples.  One day, Jim has an accident on his job site and is electrocuted.  He then finds himself in a weird garden with even weirder men who tell him that he has been chosen by the forces of Heaven and Hell as a neutral participant for a trial that will decide who wins in the battle between good and evil.  Then Jim is sent back into his fully healed body so that he can get on with his mission to save seven souls from the seven deadly sins.  He thinks he may know who is first on the list.
This book was a wonderful read.  It read a bit like the Brothers do but it also felt different.  I like that the two story world bleed into each other.  Jim is also an interesting character to read.  He is pretty rough around the edges but still a good person.  I also liked that the form of the book felt similar to the Brotherhood books in that you not only saw things from Jim's perspective but from others around him as well.  That was great.  I love when you can see a little more of the story like that.  Overall, this book was great.  Not as gripping for me as a Brotherhood book but still worth reading.  It is DEFINITELY an ADULT book though.  There is a fair amount of graphic violence and sexual shenanigans.  So this is not for the 17 yrs and unders.   Make sure you check this series out before this September when the third book in the series, Envy, drops in stores.  All the Brother Lovers out there will be interested to know that in Envy we will see an even bigger overlap between the Brothers and the Fallen Angels.  Vec is going to be the vital character in Envy and I heard at the J. R. Ward signing that we'll see Throe in Envy as well!  Hm.  Sounds super interesting and the cover of Envy is beautiful!  Remember, you can always find out more about the WARDen and her books on her website and you can follow her on Facebook!

Covet gets 3 Fairies for epic battles of good versus evil and angels with behavior problems.

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