Thursday, July 14, 2011

Accused by Kate Kaynak

WHEW!  We're finally close enough to release day that I can talk about this book!  I met Kate Kaynak at BEA and she was awesome enough to send me home with an ARC of Accused.  I went back to the rental house that night and read it.  Seriously.  I just had to know what happened next with Maddy and Trevor.  It was an insane ride and the end had me going back to Kate the next morning to let her know how much I hated the ending and her for writing it.  (Seriously, I love Kate to bits.  She is awesome but that cliffhanger ending KILLED ME!!)

Now, before I get ahead of myself, let's start at the beginning.  Trevor and Maddy are trying to board a plane to Aruba when the Feds detain them.  That is NEVER a good way to start your vacation.  Maddy is taken in for "questioning" with Trevor but Maddy works out a way for Trevor to go for help.  Trevor, of course, doesn't want to leave her there alone but Maddy insists that they need help.  The next bit covers her "interrogation" by Hunter, a government man who is sick and twisted.  He treats Maddy abominably while she is being kept locked up.  When she is finally released, she's malnourished and has been mentally abused.  Trevor can't stand to see her so mistreated.  As Maddy is nursed back to health at Ganzfield, Ann approaches her about learning how to kill with her mind like Maddy can.  Can sweet Ann REALLY learn that nasty trick that Maddy almost wishes that she didn't know?  Will the government leave Ganzfield in peace or in pieces?  What about Rachel's baby?

I loved this book- right up until the end, of course.  I'm all about Trevor and while he wasn't in the part of the book where Maddy is held captive, he is still sweet, loving, and just... Trevor in this book.  My husband actually likes Trevor after reading this one.  So, it must be good, right?!  I also liked that we got to see more of Seth not completely acting like a jerk in this one.  Who knew Seth was so darn interesting?!  I'd LOVE to see more Seth.  (I already put in my order for MORE SETH with Kate.)  We also see more from the other kids at Ganzfield.  Ann, Zack, Rachel, Rachel's Super Baby, Drew and Harrison.... we get a lot of good scenes with all of them.  I like Drew better every time he comes up in the books.  Harrison, well, he gives Rachel some spot on baby naming advice.  Ann is not so sweet and timid now that she's with Zack.  She can be a pretty tough chick!  But by far, Seth was the most unexpected part of the book.  Now, before I slip up and accidentally get all spoilery (or more spoilery) I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Accused.  I won't tell you who says it, when or why.  Hope it leaves you chomping at the bit for Accused!

"Did Hallmark have a card for losing your virginity?  Maybe there was an untapped market there."

Accused is due out on August 15, 2011.  If you pre-order it from Spencer Hill Press, you will get a signed copy within a week of the release.  You can also learn more about Kate Kaynak and the Ganzfield books onGoodreads or her website and you can join the fan page on Facebook.

Accused earns 4 Fairies for the love of Trevor, Seth's snark and a superbaby.

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