Friday, October 19, 2012

Flash Friday!

This week's Flash Friday is going to be a bit short and a bit different than usual as I am TERRIBLY behind on my comic reading.  The fall is always go go go around here but this year it has been speeding by at light speed!  I do want to touch on the Death of the Family Arc that is about to take over the DC Universe.  I have heard great things about Issue 13 of Batman (which I have) but the 2 other "Prequel" issues listed for release in October were such let downs that I did not buy them.  Batgirl 13 and Catwoman 13 were not really prequels to death in the family and there honestly wasn't that much to them.  I'm pretty glad I didn't waste my six bucks on two books that were not worth reading- even if they do have the creepy Joker face covers.  There was more prelude to the story arc in the one page on Red Hood that showed the Joker.  I am still hopeful for the rest of the story arc and plan to add some titles to my pull to make sure that I don't miss any of the issues.

I'm also really sad to hear that Blue Beetle will be cancelled in January rather than fixed.  But the news that an original Beetle author will be penning a new title that will include Jaime is great to hear.  I just wish that they could have put more work into making Jaime's book as phenomenal as his Pre-Reboot title.

I'm also very glad to see that Marvel will be bringing back Young Avengers in January.  It is really the only title of theirs that I read.  (I'm tempted to try Deadpool but honestly, I think I get to see all the best panels on Tumblr anyway.)  I am going to be adding it to my pull if it wasn't added last week when I discussed it with my local comic shop to be sure that they'd be carrying it.

That's really all I have for comics news this week.  I hope to get life to slow down over the next week and get some time to catch up my comic reading.

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