Sunday, January 25, 2015

Long Macchiatos and Monsters by Alison Evans

I received a copy of Long Macchiatos and Monsters by Alison Evans from Less Than Three Press through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.  Here;s the cover and Goodreads blurb:

Jalen, lover of B-grade sci-fi movies, meets the far-too-handsome P in a cafe while deciding whether or not to skip uni again. When P invites them along to a double feature of Robot Monster and Cat Women of the Moon, Jalen can hardly believe that hot boys like bad sci-fi, too. But as their relationship progresses, Jalen realizes P leaves him wondering if they're on the same page about what dating means, and if that's what they're doing.

I want to get the trigger warnings out of the way first. I want to say that there is talk in this story of parents refusing to deal with their child's gender correctly. There are also moments when trans characters are treated hatefully. Be aware of these possible triggers. I found that this story was an interesting look at the sometimes tricky world of a transgendered person. I learned about the use of pronouns and names. I found it absolutely heartrending that the emotional turmoil of P's life has the ability to tear down Jalen as well. It makes so much sense that a life that can be so emotionally tough already can lead to those emotions leaking out all over your loved ones. I know it is true in my life and it is definitely true in P and Jalen's lives. I found this story to be sweet, nerdy and emotional.

This story can be found as a part of the Geek Out Bundle from Less Than Three Press. You can click here to find the story on Goodreads. I give Long Macchiatos and Monsters 3 Fairies for a truly interesting story of romance and friendship.

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