For today's Fun Friend Friday, I am going to talk up my friends at
Page Turners!! I know most of the girls over there from Twilight Moms. Sophie is on Mundie Moms, which I visit less than TM's, but she's still wicked cool. Mamafox and I stalk most of the same book discussions on TM's. Pixie is an amazing graphic artist, she totally knocks my socks off when she does graphics and she's an Autism mom like me. Stacey is wicked cool because she does EVERYTHING! She's a busy moderator on TM's and she does Page Turners AND she works AND she gets to do lots of great bookish things like signings. I am super excited to meet her (and Pixie?) at BEA this spring! (Kendra from Books Complete Me and Forbidden Reviews and I are road trip buddies for BEA. Should be tons of fun!) Lauralee is also super busy modding on TM's and being a mom and reading. I love women who make time for themselves and who aren't afraid to tell the world what team they're on. (Although, I can't say I agree with Pixie's Team Gale or Team Puck- sorry! This is a Team Peeta Blog, although I do dig the idea of Puck and Ash as a set-just sayin' ! But I digress.)

Look at their adorable header!! I love the neglected goldfish belly up in his bowl and the little fairy house. What a great illustration of the things that reading is. It's an escape into another world and it's an obsession sometimes. Everyone has read at least one book that they have to finish to the exclusion of all else and if you haven't- you haven't been reading the right books! The girls at Page Turners do reviews, of course, and daily meme posts, they have giveaways and they participate in blog tours. They were also one of the host sites for "Best I've Read 2010" in December. On Mondays they have "It's Monday, What are You Reading" where they share what they just finished or are reading. On Tuesdays they have Teaser Tuesdays where they share a 2 sentence teaser from whatever they are currently reading. Wednesdays are "Waiting on Wednesday" that features books that they are waiting impatiently on to be released. Thursdays are "Trailer Thursday" where a book trailer is featured. Fridays they do "Fragment Friday" which features a vlog of a fragment of a book. Over the weekend, they feature the Week in Review and In My Mailbox. When these girls eat, I don't know.
Page Turners is ALSO co-hosting the Splash into Summer Blog Hop with Kathy from I'm a Reader, Not a Writer. I'm signed up to have a giveaway on the hop and you should be too!! You can check out the info on the hop by clicking on the hop icon. They are also doing an Autism Hop so be sure to check it out too!

1 comment:
i never noticed the fish before! OH MY GOSH! how true is that? how many times have we fed our kids cereal for supper b/c we were reading or on TM's????? or burned supper!! *raises hands*
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